Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Optionally enter the name of a custom page style defined in your PayPal account. You can learn more about page styles <a href="%s" target="_blank">here</a>. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Optionally enter the name of a custom page style defined in your PayPal account. You can learn more about page styles <a href="%s" target="_blank">here</a>.
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Specify a prefix to be added to invoices. If you use your PayPal account for multiple stores, ensure that this prefix is unique as PayPal will not allow duplicate invoice numbers. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Specify a prefix to be added to invoices. If you use your PayPal account for multiple stores, ensure that this prefix is unique as PayPal will not allow duplicate invoice numbers.
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PayPal cannot process a refund for this transaction because it is more than 60 days old. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
PayPal cannot process a refund for this transaction because it is more than 60 days old.
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Invalid payment source switching action. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Payment method switched to "%1$s" | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Free Trial | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Missing required data necessary to confirm the order. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Access Plan: %s PayPal Item Description | Maksusuunnitelma: %s | Details | |
Orders with %s billing agreement description for PayPal | %s tilaukset | Details | |
PayPal cannot process transactions for more than %s | PayPal ei kykene käsittelemään maksutapahtumia, joiden arvo on yli %s | Details | |
PayPal cannot process transactions for more than %s PayPal ei kykene käsittelemään maksutapahtumia, joiden arvo on yli %s
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PayPal cannot process transactions for less than %s | PayPal ei kykene käsittelemään maksutapahtumia, joiden arvo on alle %s → | Details | |
PayPal cannot process transactions for less than %s PayPal ei kykene käsittelemään maksutapahtumia, joiden arvo on alle %s →
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Check Now | Tarkista nyt | Details | |
<a href="%s" target="_blank">Reference Transactions</a> are required to process transactions for recurring access plans. Click the button below to check if they are enabled on your PayPal Account. | <a href="%s" target="_blank">Viitemaksutapahtumat</a> ovat tarpeen, jotta toistuvien maksusuunnitelmien maksutapahtumien käsittely onnistuisi. Klikkaa alla olevaa painiketta tarkistaaksesi, ovatko viitemaksutapahtumat (Reference Transactions) aktiivisina Paypal-tililläsi. | Details | |
<a href="%s" target="_blank">Reference Transactions</a> are required to process transactions for recurring access plans. Click the button below to check if they are enabled on your PayPal Account. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Viitemaksutapahtumat</a> ovat tarpeen, jotta toistuvien maksusuunnitelmien maksutapahtumien käsittely onnistuisi. Klikkaa alla olevaa painiketta tarkistaaksesi, ovatko viitemaksutapahtumat (Reference Transactions) aktiivisina Paypal-tililläsi.
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Page Style | Sivun tyyli | Details | |
Invoice Prefix | Laskun etuliite | Details | |
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